What is your favorite starter trio?

I always liked Alola's starter trio, because both Rowlet and Popplio are some of my favorite starters and I think Litten is pretty cool.
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I'd say Kalos, but I think way too much about Delphox hate and it just makes me unable to see Froakie as even an ok Pokémon because I'm always reminded of the absolutely stupid decision Pokémon made to make Ash Greninja (the more I think about it the worse it gets. The anime focuses so much on Greninja and even gives it an exclusive new form stronger than a Mega that makes it stronger than a Legendary and is also related to Ash and is also the only starter Ash gets, meanwhile Delphox and Chesnaught, the other members of its trio, feel like Pokémon has just forgotten they exist) and how the Froakie line gets so much more everything than the other two. It gets saved because of the Fennekin line but I just can't make myself like the Froakie line anymore.
Alola is close because all three starter lines are amazing, but none of them are Delphox.
It's a tie and I can't pick anything.
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Rowlet is funny
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Kanto is the only trio for which I like all three. So that one, I suppose.
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Although Squirtle is definitely my favourite starter, it’s actually a tough call between Hoenn and Sinnoh for me… In the end I went with Hoenn; Torchic, Mudkip, and Treecko are all very cool starters design-wise and their evolutions are all equally as awesome.
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