Ideas For New Pokemon
@Bigpokéman4m3 its certainly sounds interesting and they had some cool games on there.
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oh wait I’m new I didn’t know I commented this draft last time
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oh well
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I was thinking maybe a re release of the pokemon mini and some games to go along with it especially since modern handhelds are big and lose the point of portability I think it could work great, it can be sold in game stores this time so it could get its full recognition than last time
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How about shark pokemon. One of them being Water/Steel type combining aspects of the anchor and hammerhead.
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A Grass/Dragon pokémon that takes inspiration of the pitaya fruit.
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Oops, sorry, didn't mean to post that.
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What about a spy possum and has a glass tooth filled with poison like a real spy, and when it's caught, it breaks the glass tooth tranking itself so that it falls asleep on the spot.