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Punishments for Misbehavior

I am incredibly frustrated with this game's handling of misbehavior of players. For instance, in a recent match we had a player stay in the starting zone spamming "Thanks!" for over two minutes of the match, presumably because the Ho Oh did not revive him as he wanted despite playing recklessly.

I hop on voice chat to say, hey guys be sure to report this type of behavior, it ruins matches and we are in an all master rank match, we shouldn't have to deal with this on a higher level of play (or any level honestly, but especially in a draft and ban all masters match). No cursing, name calling, nothing. I get a "confirming" report when I submit for him trying to throw the match. But wait- I IMMEDIATELY get a suspension from voice chat about "hateful conduct" blah blah blah. All I did was tell our team we should report negative behavior, but because one player didn't like that, he can automatically get me banned from voice chat while I can't get him banned from a match or two of ranked for ACTUALLY bad, unsportsmanlike behavior?

Your system is majorly flawed and serious players are very tired of having to deal with players who behave like this. They'll never get banned from ranked for any amount of time for throwing a fit mid match, but I get consequences for calling it out. I am definitely not the only player who feels this way. Hopefully some will speak up on this thread.
