Greninja lose 20 damage bug

Greninja ex does 120 damage but it only does 100
the attack fisrt discards the energy and then does the damage calculation
this attack was ok in the past version pls give my favorite pokemon his attack 120 damage
cant bealive you team cant read the cards why? why?
Recent Greninja ex decks usually have Double Turbo Energy in it... did your Greninja ex had Double Turbo Energy attached?
Because the attacks of the Pokémon Double Turbo Energy is attached to do 20 less damage to your opponent’s Pokémon.
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We finally have the official ruling on this! Below is the text from pokegym.
Q: If I discard a Double Turbo Energy when using Greninja ex's "Mirage Barrier" attack, does it do 120 damage or 100 damage to two of my opponent's Pokemon?
A: You do 100 damage to the two. You first CHOOSE the energy you're going to discard, then do the damage (which is reduced for Double Turbo), and THEN discard the energy.
Source: TPCi Rules Team (2024-07-11)