Pokémon Forums: What I Hate Most About How No One Answers 😡

It annoys me when no one is reading the posts I make recently. I already know that people are reading the first two "If Ultra Beasts were Human..." posts, but NO ONE knows I made FOUR! If you don't read my posts, I could just forget about all of you and you'll know how I feel.😡😡😡😡😡
I don't think your Pheromosa post was posted.
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You are not entitled to anyone's time and attention. If your post is not interesting to people, they have no obligation to respond. This is a public forum, not your personal blog, and we are your fellow forum users, not your sycophantic fans hanging on your every word.
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oh man. I remember the Miiverse days where I would ask a question, and the only response I would get was a Yeah (like). It was extremely infuriating.
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I suppose I may relate. Back when Miiverse was still a thing, I’d post a discussion asking for help, then get no response. It really annoyed me because I would get Yeahs (likes) but nobody answering my question.
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Oh. Sorry about the comment. The forums bugged out making it seem like I couldn’t comment.