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Feedback: animated background in the game

The new animated background in game it makes Causes a drop in fps and very laggy. If a setting could be implemented to be able to remove background animations so that the game is better optimized and with higher fps


  • Wiselugia
    Wiselugia Member Posts: 9
    First Comment First Answer

    I came here to post more or less the same topic, so I hope nobody minds me posting on this one instead.

    Ongoing animations are a novel concept to make the game more exciting, but when it starts drastically affecting performance and is forced, I kind of have to take issue with it. The Darkness-type field animation is especially egregious in this regard, easily quadrupling the amount of time required to perform any action. I didn't mind so much when the animation only lasted for a single transition, but now... well, let's just say the game is close to unplayable whenever I need to promote a Crobat.

    For comparison, the Colorless and Water animations are largely benign, while Psychic and Metal cause minor slowdown. Have yet to see the remaining types in action, but I'm really hoping for the best here.

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,758 ✭✭✭✭
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    I... am sorry. I was the one who suggested this on the forum and it seems like I made a bad suggestion. Ugh. And they didn't even do it right...

  • Glive9
    Glive9 Member Posts: 6
    First Comment Photogenic

    Same here, I got massive drops in fps, but only in the desktop version, in mobile is still the same as before the "update", this make me thinks that is not intentional and it's just a visual bug

    Also I can't scroll in the discard pile of both players

  • Glive9
    Glive9 Member Posts: 6
    First Comment Photogenic

    Same here, I got massive drops in fps, but only in the desktop version, in mobile is still the same as before the "update", this make me thinks that is not intentional and it's just a visual bug

    Also I can't scroll in the discard piles of both players

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,758 ✭✭✭✭
    2500 Comments Second Anniversary 500 Agrees 250 Likes

    @Glive9 It's not a bug. The patch notes specifically mentioned that only desktop was changed, and those effects are desktop only.