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  • xBloodmagusx
    xBloodmagusx Member Posts: 14
    10 Comments Name Dropper

    i feel like people only looked at how much damage he could do. In a 1v1 mewtwo SHOULD ALWAYS win. He is flipping mewtwo lol. The kit they gave to him is very peeeyuuuw. I have already posted my outlooks on what really makes this pokemon bad ingame elsewhere. I would like the option to. Ot take mega mewtwo and choose which skills it got access to from like 4 different options not just A or B. The depth this pokemon has is wasted on a game where you play basketball and every melee mon i. The game speedster or otherwise melts him at later levels. I still play it but having a “meta in a game where everything should not have stats to affect wouldve worked out better. Every power does set dmg. All cc is either knockbacks or stuns not hinderance of moving out of a tiny circle, and overall charizards unite is way better than mewtwos as it is more situationally useful to an attacker but for some reason all rounders are just better??? That does not compute to me.

  • clasingla
    clasingla Member Posts: 3,506 ✭✭✭✭✭
    2500 Comments 500 Agrees 250 Likes 50 Answers

    mewtwo shouldn’t always win if that was the case the game would be completely unbalanced and wouldn’t be fair

  • xBloodmagusx
    xBloodmagusx Member Posts: 14
    10 Comments Name Dropper

    @clasingla if you read the post you would notice i said 1v1. The fact regular pokemon who have melee attacks that also slow for an auto is terrible for mewtwos auto range. It not having a cc effect like stun or slow or knockback is terrible. When a decidueye has higher range against a pokemon that can affect minds like mewtwo i question the devs choice for why his mega is the only way for him to be viable by attacking opponent pokemon and taking score points away is very poor design in a game like this. I do not care aboit overall damage because ive been hit by crits i would assume for like 4k. He needs more to help in his base form. Lacking a second damage move in his kit is a third point that makes him weaker . Im not lobbying for him to be uber high powered but he is just not on a level with even other ranged mons. What is the point of a pokemon legendary or otherwise mega or not, if it cant even fight off other attackers and the only move there is for evasion is teleport. This move is too short range when i see ceruledge going further. The function of mewtwo is underwhelming is all i was getting at and it could be better. Just want to know why it is the way it was done and not considered in the context i have described. Sad when 2 stage evolutions of starters outperform him in all facets.