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I don't know about everyone else here but i absolutely refuse to lose the one save file/in game account i have been playing on since the game's release. We need something to happen so the game can stay online here in the Benelux. A shutdown here means no legit copy to enter tournaments and earn that lofty slot in the…
I am hoping we can add growlith the the list of Pokémon on the game
Do you think that Pokémon UNITE will be available on the unnamed Nintendo Switch successor? Why?
I knew that Buzzwole is the only species of Ultra Beast to become a playable Pokémon for Pokémon UNITE. So, by the way please let me know if you think that Naganadel is a likely playable Pokémon for Pokémon UNITE due to various reasons, thanks.😉
I'm in ultra rank but I am very much interested playing in tournaments which I hope I can find a squad also interested and would love to join together...! even if there's none I hope I can find someone with the same interest! please help😭 I have no friends 😭
Tbh, this new skin is ridiculously expensive…
looking for ultra/masters level unite squad this is actually active and has people to play with. Currently masters 1272 atm. I play mostly attackers. I dislike tanks unfortunately. Will play most other roles with various success.
Here’s the crazy part is if you make a shuttle nod at people actually losing the game and they report you the ban is astronomical. The penalty system in this game is a joke. Audio and ban chats are way too extreme meanwhile you have feeding players roaming around like nothing happened and making it to higher tiers getting…
i got penlty without reason mute solo players 87599 hr it going banned
Need 1 player for a 5 man team ranked. Playing on and off all day. Add me username: Shaduki. Thanks !