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Have you caught any good Pokémon lately?

TheTrueMicro Member Posts: 31 ✭✭
10 Comments First Answer 5 Likes 5 Agrees

Hello there, I hope you are doing well. I am curious to know if you have recently encountered any remarkable Pokémon during your expeditions. In the wide world of Pokémon, discovering unique creatures can be quite exciting. I wonder if you have caught any special Pokémon lately that stood out or perhaps had rare abilities. It's always interesting to hear about the diverse encounters trainers have while exploring different regions. Please share your recent finds, as I am eager to learn about the adventures you've had in the pursuit of extraordinary Pokémon. And yes, I'm back to regular discussions instead of question polls.


  • MagicarpFisher9
    MagicarpFisher9 Member Posts: 218 ✭✭✭
    100 Comments 25 LOLs 25 Likes 25 Agrees

    In Pokemon Go, I caught a perfect Scyther. Not shiny, though.

  • Acornyo
    Acornyo Member Posts: 751 ✭✭✭✭
    500 Comments 50 Answers 100 LOLs 100 Likes

    I got a shiny Alolan Raichu with the Absent-Minded mark! I was looking for a marked male one for ages, and now I have 106 shiny alolan raichu lol

  • HGemini93
    HGemini93 Member Posts: 92 ✭✭
    10 Comments 5 Agrees 5 LOLs 5 Likes
  • HGemini93
    HGemini93 Member Posts: 92 ✭✭
    10 Comments 5 Agrees 5 LOLs 5 Likes

    I caught eight Necrozma, three Klefki, two Buzzwole, one Guzzlord and finally one dark Groudon. All the ones I listed I obtained during the GO Fest from doing a bunch of raids plus being at New York when it was held in person (except for the dark Groudon ofc which I just snagged the other day from beating Giovanni.)