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[TCG LIVE - TCPi Feedback ] Add Legacy Expanded Mode to allow B & W to Sword & Shield to be used

I submitting feedback to urge Pokemon TCGi Live Team to distant away from restrictions and take current Expanded Beta mode out of Beta. Going forward after Update 1.16.0

  • ADD A new Mode Expanded Legacy mode that allouds players to play cards from Black & White Series Set to Sword & Shield Series since these set are fully complete without needed to adjust banlist.

Scarlet and Violet cant be used until all the series been released.

This big changes to expanded must happen and should distant away


  • DoubleCure
    DoubleCure Member Posts: 1,618 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    Check the release notes of the this coming update and the ones before... they basically still take more then a month to fix simple card bugs lol in the old TCG Online I remember they would fix a card in a day or so.

    Imagine the amout of bugs that would come with all those new playable Expanded cards... they will do it few years from now maybe, if the game still has a decent player base.

    But I belive once the new Pokemon TCG Pocket is released this year the TCG Live will lose younger and new players, gradually just old school and competitive players will stay in a game this boring, bug party, featureless and frustating game.

    The guys behind TCG Pocket are nothing like this poor dev team, the company has much more experience in mobile gaming, and if TCG Pocket really goes like many people expect maybe one day they invest in a desktop version... TCG Live will be done for good if that happens.

    I for sure will try it out, it's expected to be release this year... so we will see how it goes soon.

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,901 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    You people are crazy. I can barely even understand what you're trying to ask for, since it doesn't make any sense. Expanded didn't rotate. You know that, right?