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Please change ranked matchmaking

clasingla Member Posts: 2,714 ✭✭✭✭✭
500 Agrees 50 Answers 250 Likes 100 LOLs

I am always vip when my team lose it might not be a big deal but last round the team I was assigned failed greatly I got vip with 87 points scored 3 of my teammates didn’t score a single goal and the one that did only got 18 points how did these people even get to great league I’m trying to get to a higher league but I am always paired with the worst teammates plus I get vip every time the first match I did my team was losing for most of the game then I clutched at the end and had a clutch victory in one of my matches one person didn’t even move I honestly feel like causal is more balanced then ranked


  • Cura90
    Cura90 Member Posts: 2
    First Comment

    Agreed. The gap between player skill is ridiculous

  • bnsftrx7gaming
    bnsftrx7gaming Member Posts: 72
    5 LOLs Name Dropper Photogenic 5 Likes

    I agree with this, I was assigned master rank or whatever it is called in ULTRA league.

  • Nitex1337
    Nitex1337 Member Posts: 16
    5 Agrees 10 Comments First Anniversary

    You kidding me??? These lazy devs ain't gonna do jack!

    All they care about is release new pokemon that's way to OP but you have to pay to get. Then release them to everyone but decrease their power.

    These lazy greedy devs not gonna fix this game.

  • Eremas
    Eremas Member Posts: 811 ✭✭✭
    100 LOLs 100 Likes 100 Agrees 500 Comments

    MOBAs always have issues with matchmaking. If they make the player search too balanced then finding opponents would take too long. Maybe they should have creators in the client with educational videos. Or a tutorial with rewards for learning rolls and paths.