Timer is BROKEN

The timer instantly starting at 15 seconds as soon as any action is taken makes this game unplayable. If Malamar attacks you but doesn't KO the timer starts as it's showing you all the cards they used and then it shuffles and then your turn ends and it goes right back to them. I didn't realize Malamar took lessons from Dialga. Marnie has a very similar effect when it leaves you with 2 seconds to see which cards you got and take an action before it turns the turn over to your opponent. This is quite literally unplayable. Uninstalling for now and maybe when I come back in a few months this game will have it's stuff together. I know it's beta but c'mon, do you do any QA testing AT ALL?
Same experience here in one of my laptops, not the other. It's even worse and worse, now the timer starts and ends during the opponent's turn! Not even time to play it passes again in turn. literally unplayable