Pokémon remake ideas

Pokémon Crystal blue: follows the main story of Pokémon crystal and adds 3d and more mini games.
Pokémon shining emerald: follows the same story of Pokémon emerald but adds the Johto region to explore with 3d.
Pokémon star Platinum: it’s just a better bdsp remake and fixes every problem bdsp has.
Pokémon blinding moon and glistening sun these remakes will take place in alola after the Pokemon league was established so you go through a gym challenge and when you go and beat the champion you can go to some postgame place in alola and face the sun and moon protagonist or instead we could just have a regular remake but with more features and added stuff to do with some pokemon from future generations mixed into the current obtainable pokemon in that game since the only remake that didn’t do this was bdsp
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@clasingla I would also love to see Sun/Moon remakes, but your first idea feels more so like sequels. I would want the Sun/Moon remakes to follow the main story of Sun/Moon with better pacing and the post-game of the Ultra games.
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I forgot to say every third Pokémon version
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Only the third Pokémon games if they had remakes
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It's been a sad trend since ORAS to restrict remake content to the original paired versions, rather than incorporating the third version. "The bare minimum" seems to be GF's design philosophy of late. Which is sad considering how content rich HGSS were.
If we were to get a BW remake, I would hope that it included the B2W2 additions, if not the story. We might get that content as DLC these days, which is depressing. The Gamefreak that made HGSS would have included it on the cartridge.
Mind you, I get the feeling that GF are avoiding gen 5. Despite the high esteem I and other fans hold those games, they were the worst selling paired versions of a new generation. I believe people within the company think they are unpopular today. We might not get a gen 5 remake. It is interesting that the next game will be set in Kalos.
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I would like to see Diamond and Pearl go back and redo the remake in an ORAS fashion.
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I don't think we are getting another Sinnoh game for half a decade plus, unless there is some kind of collection released that includes one.
If we are not getting gen 5, we are getting gen 6 or gen 1, I think. Maybe gen 2.
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@puplover1118 agreeing