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Can't select my pokemon, can't attack.

ChariChet Member Posts: 4

Can't select my active pokemon, can't attack. Happened three times. Twice in a row. Restarting game.


  • Garizard10
    Garizard10 Member Posts: 0

    I recently just had this problem as well. For context, I was playing single strike urshifu and had a houndour in the active with an energy. I was unable to select it or attack with it, but I was able to eventually evolve it. Once the houndoom was knocked out, I was unable to promote a new pokemon except the furthest left pokemon on my bench.

  • Wabuko
    Wabuko Member Posts: 2

    I have had this issue numerous times. In my case, whenever I go to either click on my cards or my opponents (It alternates sometimes) it wont zoom in to inspect or I am not able to use an attack. I'll have an attack box from a random pokemon appear on either the deck or the discard pile. Its caused me to concede multiple matches and ultimately resulting in quitting the game.