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When opposing a Froslass "Freezing Shroud" ability, why does time tick off of my clock?

In my most recent battle, 3 Froslass with "Freezing Shroud" was setup and doing damage every turn. The pause for each individual animation on this ability is so great that I was unable to perform an action and my turn was skipped. This occurred many turns in a row, where the timer was continuously on my screen at the start of each turn. Upon further observation, I realized that MY clock goes while my opponent's abilities are being activated. Which takes up crucial time for me to perform ANY action, much less thoughts about the actions I ~should~ be taking. Who should be held responsible for animation times? I'm of the opinion that time should either be paused, or should tick from the owner of the card's clock.


  • Lygars
    Lygars Member Posts: 110 ✭✭✭
    100 Comments 25 LOLs 25 Likes 25 Agrees

    yeah bro super agree!! game is a mess bro