Pokémon chat

I made this so anyone can talk about pokemon
Also please don't post rude content here
You want people to put all the stuff about Pokémon here? All in a single thread? lol
You realize the amout of topics it's huge... the point of having a forum with multiple sections and allow users to post in multiple threads it's to be better organized and easier to follow... How put all the talk about Pokémon just here helps? 😵💫
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Yeah I geuss your right
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Talking about Pokémon, huh. How about what I talk about IRL all the time? I've been working on my National Pokédex ever since I got Pokémon HOME in the beginning of 2022, and now, as of writing, I've registered exactly 1,000 Pokémon to the Pokédex! Only 25 left to go!
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@clasingla Here's the list:
• Celebi
• Kyogre
• Jirachi
• Deoxys
• Phione
• Manaphy
• Shaymin
• Arceus
• Thundurus
• Genesect
• Diancie
• Hoopa
• Volcanion
• Cosmoem
• Pheromosa
• Celesteela
• Guzzlord
• Necrozma
• Magearna
• Marshadow
• Naganadel
• Stakataka
• Zeraora
• Zarude
• Enamorus2 -
how are you gonna get the alola ones
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@Pokemaster9293 My current plan is to get Pheromosa, Celesteela, Guzzlord, Necrozma, and Stakataka from the Max Lair, evolve Poipole to get Naganadel, get Marshadow from an event in Pokémon GO, and get Cosmoem by trading for it. I've also been planning on getting a refurbished 3DS soon, and in all the Alola games, you can scan a QR code to get Magearna, just leaving Zeraora, which I don't have a plan for yet.
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is it a living dex