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Favorite Pokémon (new version)

YagoFuecoco Member Posts: 408 ✭✭✭
100 Comments 5 Answers 25 Likes 25 Agrees

Now, I would like to talk once again about special and favorite Pokémon, and a new version, let's go:

Pokémon Starters: Fuecoco, Rowlet, Oshawott, Fennekin, Sprigatito, Bulbasaur, Sobble and Eevee(which I consider starter Pokémon by Pokémon Let'Go Eevee)

Pokémon ALL region: Vulpix ( Kanto and Alola Forms), Sandshrew ( Kanto and Alola Forms), Lapras, Seel, Clefairy, Mareep, Hoothoot, Girafarig and Farigiraf, Teddiursa, Phanpy, Mamoswine, Wingull, Skitty, Spheal, Stunky, Riolu, Stoutland, Purrloin, Munna, Blitzle, Darumaka( Unova and Galar Forms), Zorua, Cubchoo, Lampent, Volcarona, Skidoo, Espurr, Pancham, Rockruff, Wimpod, Minior, Yamper, Rookidee, Skwovet, Frosmoth, Ursaluna, Duraludon, Pawmi, Greavard, Clodsire, Tinkaton and Hydrapple

Pokémon Powerhouse: Dratini, Dragonair and Dragonite(I really love the Dragonite evolutionary family, it's very special to me), Gible, Deino ( I also like Hydreigon, but I prefer Deino because Deino is very cute and less scary lol), Goomy, Sliggoo( Kalos and Hisui Forms) and Goodra( Kalos and Hisui Forms) I confess that I also love Goomy's evolutionary family as well as Dragonite's, Dragapult, Drakloak and Dreepy and Frigibax

Pokémon Legendary: Latias, Xerneas, Calyrex, Koraidon, Ogerpon and Terapagos

Pokémon Mythical: Mew, Celebi, Jirachi, Victini, Genesect and Pecharunt

Pokémon Ultra Beast: Nihilego, Celestela, Guzzlord and Naganadel

Pokémon Paradox(Ancient): Slither Wing, Great Tusk, Scream Tail, Flutter Mane, Brutte Bonnet and Gouging Fire

Pokémon Paradox (Future): Iron Moth, Iron Jugulis, Iron Thron, Iron Bundle and Iron Leaves

And what are yours?


  • clasingla
    clasingla Member Posts: 3,552 ✭✭✭✭✭
    2500 Comments 500 Agrees 250 Likes 50 Answers

    starters squirtle chikorita mudkip treecko torchic piplup oshawott fennekin chespin popplio scorbunny sprigatito

  • clasingla
    clasingla Member Posts: 3,552 ✭✭✭✭✭
    2500 Comments 500 Agrees 250 Likes 50 Answers

    all regions alcreamie gengar eevee sylveon slurpuff swirlix espurr ceruledge Minun Plusle spiritomb hydrapple delibird dedenne vulpix eiscue rhibombee beheeyem

    Pseudo legendary goodra

    Legendary tapu lele miraidon Latios latias mesprit xerneas zygarde cosmog lunala galarian moltres zamazenta chi-yu

    Mythical mew jirachi meloetta victini Shaymin Darkrai genesect diancie hoopa

    Ultra beast kartana celesteela stakataka

    Paradox iron valiant iron bundle scream tail iron juglius

    Mega Mega sableye mega garchomp mega diancie mega audino

    Gigantimax gigantimax alcremie gigantimax eevee gigantimax butterfree

    Reginal variants alolan vulpix alolan sandshrew galarian corsola alolan raichu hisuin liligant hisuin goodra

  • Tacolaser
    Tacolaser Member Posts: 707 ✭✭✭
    500 Comments 100 Agrees 25 LOLs 25 Likes

    Pokémon Starters: Grookey

    Pokémon ALL region: Still Grookey

    Pokémon Powerhouse: Baxcaliber

    Pokémon Legendary: Zygarde

    Pokémon Mythical: Arceus

    Pokémon Ultra Beast: Guzzlord

    Pokémon Paradox(Ancient): Gouging Fire

    Pokémon Paradox (Future): Iron Boulder

  • Flametix
    Flametix Member Posts: 628 ✭✭✭
    500 Comments 100 Likes 100 LOLs 100 Agrees

    azumarill azumarill azumarill azumarill azumarill marill azurill azumarill azumarill azumarill marill azumarill

  • Eremas
    Eremas Member Posts: 1,475 ✭✭✭✭
    1000 Comments 25 Answers 100 Agrees 100 Likes

    I just found out Mesprit is challenging to make a team with. Makes me obsessively think about a pokemon.

    Ps. Did you know Mesprit can be taught the move Pain Split?

  • MonstaDash
    MonstaDash Member Posts: 390 ✭✭✭
    100 Agrees 100 Comments 25 LOLs 25 Likes

    From the newer Pokemon I like Kommo-o and Roaring Moon a lot.