Could Tera Raid Battle be telling us who the starter Pokémon in Pokémon Legends Z-A will be?

I thought a lot about this now, and I thought it would be interesting to bring it here, which is a great theory, the only Pokémon that haven't had their Tera Raid Battle yet are Torterra, Serperior, Inceneroar and Feraligator, it would perhaps be: Snivy or Turtwig, Litten and Totodile the Pokémon Legends Z-A's starter Pokémon, and they would only have their Tera Raid Battle after being revealed as Pokémon Legends Z-A's starter Pokémon
I'm suspecting Totodile, Snivy, and Torchic.
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After some thought, I have a theory I think you'll find interesting. We've yet to see Tera Raid Battles for Torterra, Serperior, Inceneroar, and Feraligatr. Could this hint at the starters for Pokémon Legends Z-A? Perhaps Snivy, Turtwig, Litten, and Totodile will be the new starters, and their Tera Raid Battles are locked until they're officially revealed!
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Torchic already has lots of stuff in Kalos, it was the first Hoenn starter to get a Mega. Since it already has been used as an extra starter in Kalos (I remember Torchic with a Blazikenite being an early purchase gift or something like that), we might get something else.
I think it'd be fun if they gave you a choice of a second starter in PLZ-A, just like getting one of the Kanto starters in XY. But this time it's a Hoenn starter because Hoenn and Kalos seemed to be important to each other in gen 6, with the tree that has a flower like the Eternal Floette's flower in Sootopolis and Hoenn being one of the few other regions capable of properly harnessing the true power of Mega Evolution (Alola and Kanto seem to allow people to use Mega Evolution, however it is much more uncommon than it was in XY).
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I think this is a pretty interesting idea! Recently, it's been about half a month between each starter Tera Raid, leaving just one left this month, and then the next one would either be at the end of the month, or the start of August. August happens to be when they do the second Pokémon Presents each year, which gives more information on things announced in the first one. Additionally, the Legends: Arceus starters were revealed in the first August Pokémon Presents after the game was announced, so I think this might be pretty likely! I guess there's only one way to find out!
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Oh, it probably just wasn't approved yet. Sorry for the almost duplicate comment, I'm still getting used to this forum.
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I'm not sure if my original comment was deleted, never posted or something else. I just can't find it, so here was my original point.
That's an interesting idea! Given the scheduling of the Tera Raid events and Pokémon Presents, that might not be too unlikely.0 -
L I also remembered that Infernape didn't have a Raid Battle either, so I imagine that if that's true, Totodile would kind of be guaranteed as a Water-type starter in Pokémon Legends Z-A, now, the fire and grass type would still not be guaranteed, but I still suspect Snivy, Litten and Totodile, both because Pokémon Legends supposedly has three games and also, that Sinnoh is still recent due to the remakes, and the intention must be to have Pokémon that have not yet been started in the Switch games as well