Landscape view on IPad

As the title suggests is landscape mode coming for iPad like it was on PTCGO?
it’s desperately needed
This is something that I found to be really annoying when transitioning from Online to Live, my current iPad runs the app fine but I can only use it in landscape mode due to the combination case/keyboard keeping it locked in that position…
…but like the constant requests for an on/off option for the end match animation I really doubt the devs will ever add this because all of their resources goes towards keeping the app functional rather than being fun. Just look at the app’s 1st anniversary “celebration” event and you’ll realize there was barely any thought put into it at all.
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I dont think so… very poor communication and cooperation with the community. Pokemon Pocket will close your servers if it is better managed.
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@SzymekTrener if TCG Pocket was available in PC, TCG Live would close doors in less than a year. Even as it is now if they stop blocking emulators the TCG Live is in big troubles.
Pre-release TCG Pocket is already a better game overall and without any bugs so far. All they really have to do for now is to add more f2p content and stop blocking emulators. The game will take away basically every single casual new player from TCG Live if they do this, and if it really improves more than that may even reduce significantly TCG Live players, eventually closing the servers.