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Can anyone from TPCI please answer this?

I remember when I was younger, I got a lot of Pokemon Cards from Target. Specifically Pokemon Sun and Moon cards.
I built up a collection of Sun and Moon Cards, and then they were all fake. It is a big problem in the Pokemon cards that you can get rare cards and realize they are made of paper. How do you tell the difference between fake and real?

Best Answers

  • TheJeffers
    TheJeffers Member Posts: 1,663 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    #2 Answer ✓

    Apparently it is a common problem in large chains like Target in the US. People buy card game products, open them up and take the valuable cards, then replace them with junk rares, commons or even fakes, then return them to stores where the employees don't know any better.

    I would recommend buying from reliable LGSs where you can. They are more likely to have professional knowledge about the products in question and more likely to spot a scam. Not to mention, they will provide places to actually play the game, unlike large, non-gaming chains like Target.

    I would also recommend looking up some articles or videos on recognising fake Pokémon cards. I don't know what you are supposed to look for in the international TCG, but forewarned is forearmed. You could always bring some cards you know are legitimate to compare, too.

  • clasingla
    clasingla Member Posts: 3,567 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    #3 Answer ✓

    Not even just buying my siblings literally saw people stealing cards from target and I’m so mad about that I hate when people steal stuff first off because it hurts business in the stores secondly it’s wrong for people who are willing to pay money for the item but can’t since the item is taken and third its irresponsible to do so and extremely dishonest i love honesty and is a characteristic I love to strive for

  • Jokemon811
    Jokemon811 Member Posts: 244 ✭✭✭
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    #4 Answer ✓

    I agree. Some people might not know what it is but U-mart sold me fake cards for years, I bought nearly $300 australian dollars worth of pokemon cards from them only to find out they were fake. I was so enraged and now I only by cards from shops I know sell real ones.

  • Mod_Skrilla
    Mod_Skrilla Member Posts: 325 ✭✭✭
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    #5 Answer ✓

    Oh No! I am sad to hear that this happened to you, Trainers. The best way to ensure authentic Pokemon Cards is to buy them directly from the Pokemon Shop at https://www.pokemon.com.
