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Terror King: A Tale of Two Mangosteens Part 2

BlaziiBoi Member Posts: 356 ✭✭
100 Comments 25 LOLs 25 Likes Photogenic

All of the Beasteens hailed to their newly improved ruler, Malisteen. All of the Beasteens wanted to be just like him, so they all trained all day and night until they evolved. Malisteen wanted to start his next plan, but then there was another intruder on their territory. It seemed familiar to the Bounsweet that rolled down the hill. Turns out the Bounsweet evolved into Steenee, and she wanted payback on Malisteen for kicking her off the hill! He didn't even expect this would happen, but he decided to battle. During the fight, Malisteen got Low Swept on the shins and it was painful trying to get up! He needed to win, but he couldn't get up and he blacked out! When he woke up, he realized the other Malisteens kicked him off the hill because he didn't prove he was a worthy ruler. It was hard for him to live in the forests of Javar, he got swarmed by black Castforms who spat acid on him just to bully him. He couldn't handle all this torment. Suddenly, he learned a certain move that possessed great power…Giga Impact.

Part 3 coming soon
