TCG Live Gameplay Suggestions: Prize Cards

One theme I've noticed for the game is that it takes too many steps to do things that could (and have been in the past) done in fewer. The main ones I keep noticing are about taking prize cards.
First, If we knock out multiple Pokemon in a single attack, it knocks out one, makes us take the prize cards for that one, then repeats for every other Pokemon we knocked out, instead of knocking them all out at the same time and having us take the cumulative prize cards for all of them at once.
Secondly, if we knock out a Pokemon that results in us taking the last of our Prize Cards, Instead of it just giving them to us like it used to be done, we have to manually select the rest of our prize cards before the game ends. This is relatively minor, but still annoying.
For the guys up top reading this I know you've been getting a lot of stuff like this, so I'm sorry for adding to it, but even though there are a lot of mechanics I like about the new game, such as credits and the battle pass, Some of the gameplay mechanics such as these are not among them.
Yes, makes the game experience unnecessary slower.
It's odd how devs didn't thought about that since they could watch how PTCGOnline did that much better and they where implementing from the scratch.