Dragipult EX and Sableye Damage counter placement

These cards state “Put 6/12 damage counters on your opponent's Benched Pokémon in any way you like.” So why have they changed Dragipult Ex to a 30/20/10 split. I know Sableye has always been the way it is but it was my assumption that, due to math, I could have placed my desired amounts the way I wanted., since there are more numerical combinations I could make.
I can’t do this with Dragipult EX using the new 30/20/10 split. The 6 individual 10 counters was a little tedious at times, but being able to control who I assigned the damage counters to makes a big difference. Sometimes I need a 20/20/10/10 split, or I need to put 10 on all 5 mons and I’ll just have an extra 10 to assign to something. Little things like that can make a HUGE difference.
Convenience is nice but is it really that big of a deal to save 5 seconds that they felt the need to reprogram it to where it doesn’t allow the player to play the card as written?
Could there be a way to toggle between lump sum counters and individual counters, or even a 50-/10 split where for every 10 counter you use it subtracts from 50?
Anyway, I really care about this game and I’d love to see this fixed.
if you use the 10 counter it will take 10 from the 20 or 30, you can do this as much as you need to get your desired damage spread.
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This new stacked damage counters it's not very intuitive, first time I used it also assumed it was badly implemented, but turns out it works... you just have to start with the lower one like the 10 and it will give unother 10, etc.
So you can still place them however you want just must pay attention to used the lower ones first if you want to spread many small amouts.
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I just now realized by accident that you can place them how you like. Like mentioned above you have to start with the 10 counters. It would have been nice if support would have explained that to me when I first reached out to them regarding this, but I guess they’re only for when you experience actual bugs and not if you need help with things like this. Anyway, Im happy i figured it out. Hopefully this helps others.
also…it was my first post here so I didn't realize this was the general video games. Lol my bad0