TCG Live Rank Ladder Feedback

I currently enjoy TCG Live but my biggest issue would be the ladder system. Losing and gaining 20 points depending on a win or loss can be very frustrating to hit master ranking or just about impossible. I think they should lower the points you lose per match and keep points gained with a win or at every rank not allow you to be lowered from your current rank ex: (Greninja down to Bulbasaur) if they keep points +20 for a win or -20 for a loss.
What do you people think about this?
What are some other suggestions?
Let's keep it positive please :)
So many people come here with no idea what a RANKED ladder is, I swear. It's not meant to be easy to progress in. If you can't maintain a win rate of over 50%, you shouldn't be ranking higher until you improve as a player. It's that simple. The reason you can't get to Master Rank is because you don't have the skill to do so.
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Ranked is meant as a competitve mode; as such, it can only give so many protections or else your rank stops being an accurate representation of your skill level. You already can't demote from your current league no matter how much you lose (you can only demote between tiers). In order for the mode to remain competitive, as intended, the bare minimum it can ask of players in order to climb is for them to achieve a 50%+ winrate-
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I think the problem is that the points are the same no what rank you opponent is. It's hard to climb the ladder in pokeball or great ball rank when you are expected to have a positive win rate against the players with 2000 points that have been grinding lugia for weeks.
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@ShiningLancer i think the problem is the ladder matching a pokeball player with a master ball player, the point system would be fine if we had a stricter matchmaking system (which we probably can't get right now with the low playerbase).