Pokemon Forums Story Chapter 7 Part 3

The Pokemon that Ferren sent out was a large, black bird with a yellow belly and wings along with a smug expression. It circled and circled around Litleo like a tornado, and Arlo got slightly dizzy trying to keep an eye on it.
“Litleo,” Arlo called out, “use Ember.” Litleo tried to hit the Kilowattrel with the fireball, but it was too fast and easily avoided the attack.
“Kilowattrel,” Ferren shouted “keep this up and use Charge!” The large bird Pokemon cawed, and static electricity started to flicker all around its body. Arlo wasn’t sure if he should keep Litleo in; the Lion Cub Pokemon was practically a sitting Ducklett.
“Litleo, that’s enough,” Arlo decided, and Litleo returned to its Pokeball. He swapped out the Pokeball with a different one. “I guess it’s time we fought together. Go, Manectric!”
The blue and yellow dog Pokemon popped out of its Pokeball and immediately locked its gaze onto the opposing Kilowattrel, keeping its eyes on the extremely fast flyer. The Kilowattrel called out again, and its body was almost engulfed in electricity.
“Alright, Kilowattrel,” Ferren announced, “let’s shock ‘em with Thunderbolt.” The bird Pokemon harnessed all of its electricity into its beak and cawed, releasing a massive bolt of lightning that crashed directly onto Manectric and engulfed it in a cloud of smoke.
“Manectric!” Arlo cried out. He readied its Pokemon, prepared to call it back, when the smoke started to clear. Within the smoke was Manectric, practically unchanged, and it had a strong electric aura surrounding it.
“Lightning Rod!” Ferren noted with shock of his own, “The Electric-type move from my Kilowattrel must’ve powered it up instead of weakening it.”
Arlo was stunned at first, but quickly used the situation to his advantage. “Manectric, use Discharge!” he exclaimed, and the Discharge Pokemon lived up to its category and emitted a massive electromagnetic wave that caught the Kilowattrel and quickly grounded it.
“Now, use Ice Fang!” Arlo instructed, and Manectric landed a chilling bite onto the bird Pokemon before it could dodge the attack, causing it to fall to the ground.
“Kilowattrel, let’s rest up!” Ferren stated, and Kilowattrel returned to its Pokeball. He then turned to face Arlo, who ran up to Manectric.
“That was some nice battling there,” Ferren admitted, “You even managed to shock me with some of your calls, and for that, you deserve this Ion Badge.” He extended out his hand, with the badge in his palm.
Arlo accepted the badge and turned to face Manectric. “That was amazing!” he announced before hugging Manectric, “You’re amazing, Manectric.”
“I have to agree on that,” Ferren said. “By the way, how did you obtain this Manectric?”
“I caught it right before I arrived at Nuevolt City,” Arlo admitted.
“So it’s as I thought…” Ferren muttered.
“What do you mean?” Arlo asked.
“Well, we recently stopped a Pokemon breeding program run by this group that called themselves Team Paradox,” Ferren explained. “They were trying to breed Pokemon very skilled in battling. When we stopped them, we freed all of the Pokemon and confiscated all of the battle items in the facility, including this.”
He pulled out a small, round stone from his pocket that was yellow with a red and blue swirl inside of it. “I believe that your Manectric was from one of these facilities,” Ferren revealed, “and they probably intended to Mega-evolve it using this Manectite. However, you don’t seem like a bad kid, and you’re definitely a promising trainer, so why don’t you take it?”
Arlo hesitantly took it. “But I don’t have a Key Stone,” he revealed.
“That’s fine,” Ferren stated, “you can have this, too.”
He handed Arlo a black armband with a pearl-like stone set into it. “It’s a Mega Ring,” Ferren told Arlo, “That stone on it is a Key Stone. With it, you should be able to Mega-evolve your Manectric.”
“That’s great!” Arlo exclaimed. He then turned towards Manectric and gave it the Manectite. “You heard him; you’re gonna be able to Mega-evolve!”
Manectric let out an approving bark before Arlo called it back into its Pokeball. He looked back at Ferren. “Thank you for the gifts,” he said gratefully.
“Don’t worry about it,” Ferren responded, “I know you’ll make good use on it. And good luck with the rest of the gym challenge.”
“Thank you,” Arlo said back before he began making his way towards the next gym.
if I’m correct it’s @MajorBrendan turn for the 6th gym fairy type
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You are
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OMG this is so long I can only read half of the story in 20 mins
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There's three parts
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@JazzyUnicornGir Thank you for compiling what I wrote, I'm sure this will help plenty of people! I also can't wait to read your part.
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Great Job!
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@puplover1118 Amazing job with the story. And if you don't mind me giving you a tip: It is okay to use the verb "said" more often. I noticed in your stories you tried to avoid it as much as possible by using verbs like "stated" and "announced", which sounded a bit weird at times. nevertheless, great story!
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Of course! And I am too, although I'm sure it might take me a little while because I normally write romance, so this is a lot different than I'm used too.
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@JazzyUnicornGir don't worry about it. Honestly, I barely write stories at all, So I don't really get that much practice. The one thing that we all should focus on is trying our best at whatever we're doing!