What cards do you guys think should be banned

If it should be banned from standard or entirely what are your guy’s opinions?
Iono is annoying. I hate that card because it is so *effective*. I still don't wish it to be banned though. I can't really think of anything I would want banned but I find it interesting to think about. Can't wait to hear what others think.
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Specific cards I'm not sure, but I would remove the ability of stall centered decks to be in the top 10 for sure.
To me Control decks are acceptable, even Mill decks, as long as they are not top decks, but I just really dislike pure Stall decks.
Snorlax it's a bit of a mix of this 3 types, I don't like the Stall part of it. But I have seen much more annoying Stall centered decks... I hope TGC doesn't print more cards that go into that direction.
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The entirety of the “F” regulation block (Brilliant Stars-through-Crown Zenith) is worthy of an emergency rotation if you ask me, the way cards in SVI-era sets (and even that’s being generous, I still subscribe to the possibility that Creatures, Inc. only designs sets on a standalone basis) are designed make for combos that border on absurd. The Arven-Lumineon/Rotom V-Forest Seal Stone combo has no business existing.
On another note, I wish Creatures, Inc. would print something that could actually punish Energy acceleration (especially “unlimited” Energy accelerators like Super Cold Baxcalibur and Gardevoir ex). Not so much that it makes the concept completely unviable but enough to make you think twice about dumping Energy all willy-nilly. They had the right idea with Gengar ex but it, like Cursola V before it, doesn’t go far enough.
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As specific cards go, I don't think I'm too unhappy with too much stuff. I think probably that new Kyurem, because it was an unnecessary waste of time on TPCI's part. it won't stop lost box, and the ability is WAY too obvious in showing that its supposed to be countering lost box. I might get rid of Pecharaunt ex as well, since it is sort of a counter to blocklax for Zard. But pecharaunt isn't as bad, since it can be used alongside Okidogi ex and other dark types.
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@OlderAngel11 i might have to respectfully disagree on Kyurem; it is a cool tool for Regidrago VSTAR so I personally enjoy it.
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@Octowen I would be completely fine with it if it just did the discard all energy 110 to three pokemon effect, but they had to give it that ability to counter lost box. I am fine with Regidrago getting new tools, I just don't like it when TPC so obviously counters decks.
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Charizard EX From 151