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Started playing PTCGLive 2 weeks ago and made it to ultra

Hey everybody, this is my first post here so i'll try to keep it short. I just started playing two weeks ago and made it to ultra league today. I've played 129 matches and my record is 60-69, Ive mostly researched the current meta and used my Charizard EX deck.

I guess I want to know if this is a normal amount of matches to play to get to ultra and whats the skill curve like overall, ie. what percentage of players are in each league and how competitive is it really. Also I found a local comic shop that hosts games once a week and I want to try it out so I want to know how well TCGlive translates to irl play and if I would do well or lose easily, assuming I built my same deck. Any help to a new payer would be greatly appreciated!


  • DoubleCure
    DoubleCure Member Posts: 1,598 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    For a beginner you're doing fine. But a winning percentage below 50% it's actually very bad for a competitive event, you wont go far in any tournament.

    An avarage player should have around 60% win rate...

    I thnik you should improve much more before join a tournament, unless you just want to check how it works.

  • OlderAngel11
    OlderAngel11 Member Posts: 1,804 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    Yeah, if you are talking about regionals, then they are a big step up from your local tournaments. To win a regionals you would need a win rate a bit over ninety percent.

  • Ravenclawed1234
    Ravenclawed1234 Member Posts: 851 ✭✭✭✭
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    Nice job, however, Charizard ex isn’t that great right now, unless you pair it up with Dragapult ex, and even then, the meta doesn’t favor Dragapult right now, however, this is from my experience. I recommend Lugia VSTAR right now, as it has one of the best win rates against Raging Bolt, the current most popular deck (again, this is from my experience, you may have a different experience). You should also know that the TWM meta has changed violently over the past week, and I don’t expect it to stop anytime soon.

  • trainer381277
    trainer381277 Member Posts: 34
    First Anniversary 5 Agrees First Comment

    definitely go play at your local game store, check out league or a tournament. You should have a lot of fun. Charizard is a good underrated deck right now, when you first start playing it's best to just pick a deck and play it a lot

  • trainer381277
    trainer381277 Member Posts: 34
    First Anniversary 5 Agrees First Comment

    you should definitely go check out a local tournament or league. The people there should be nice and helpful. There's also some cool promos and stuff you can get for going to league. I wouldn't worry about rank or anything since it's not a real ranked latter like vgc has. People of all skill levels compete at local tournaments, at my locals we have people that have won regionals and people that just started playing. Everyone is just there to have fun and hang out