Timer bug

Got matched against a Decidueye and since I had no tech to specifically deal with it, I decided to try and win by deckout or timeout (by playing Zacian V and Crystal Cave it wasn't particularly difficult). My opponent stalled till the very end, playing Marnie twice when he was about to deckout, even after knowing he probably wouldn't be able to win. When he finally ran out of time, the game glitched and it simply kept going and his time actually started increasing. As my own timer was about to reach zero, the game glitched again, I drew a blank card (the card is literally all white) and all in-game functions froze while at my turn. As of now, the timer ran out for the both of us, I can't take any actions and none of us has conceded yet lol.
Towards the end of the match, I also noticed that whenever it was my turn, the 15-sec countdown would immediately show up.