Bug? Decidueye Vs Regidrago Vstar

I think the game is registering the selected attack as coming from the Pokemon in the discard.
Decidueye's ability should prevent all damage from v, Vstar, and VMAX. But for Regidrago vstar (and Mew VMAX) it doesn't seem to work. Everything I can find for rulings says it should prevent the damage but it's not.
Which attacks are Regidrago Vstar and mew vmax using? if regidrago is using something like "Gmax pulverization" from duraludon Vmax or "shred" from Giratina V, those attacks ignore the ability deep forest camo from decidueye.
In mew Vmax's case, mew vmax has the attack max miracle, which also ignores your ability.
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Yeah after posting this I realized I was just an idiot. I spent an hour trying to find some ruling about the attack coming from the Pokemon that owned it or something, but the judges I asked eventually got back with me
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Edurandomnumber answered the question, but the situation does bring up another issue, which is that it can be difficult to know which attack a Pokemon like Mew VMax or Regidrago used: the only thing you see in-game is the damage, and you have to make assumptions from there. When attacks place additional effects it can be super confusing not knowing what happened. Playing in paper announcing an attack name is important... shouldn't the attack name feature in the online game? At the very least there should be a game log to check back afterwards.
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Some attacks, such as Mew VMAX's Max Miracle and Duraladon VMAX's G-Max Pulverization (which Regidrago VSTAR can copy), have an effect which states that thier damage isn't affected by any effects on the opposing Pokemon. Decidueye's ability places an effect on Decidueye which prevents damage. Therefore, these attacks ignore the ability. This is the correct ruling.