Do you think a Pokeball hitting a Pokémon hurts it?

Some games, the Pokeball doesn't even hit the Pokémon (unless that's a thing to make the graphics easier). Others it does, and the anime definitely does, but the Pokémon aren't always, if even phased at all. It doesn't seem to hurt then much if it all, but a Pokeball is still made out of some sort of metal (or hard Apricorn). What do you guys think? Any sources appreciated.
I think they're made of really light forms of metal so they aren't hard to throw or harmful to the opposing Pokémon, especially since some trainers are very young and still need to throw Pokéballs
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That's a really good question. It does seem like it would hurt, but pokemon are 100x stronger than humans, so maybe they just don't feel a thing.
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Wild Pokémon are regularly punched, slashed with claws, set on fire, poisoned, frozen in ice, shot with laser beams and endure a whole host of abuse that observably damages them prior to being captured.
And you are worried about them being hurt by the act of throwing the magic sphere at them?
Before said sphere forces them into a life of "compelled friendship"?
Honestly, only having a ball thrown at them is probably a relative highlight of the experience.
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It would hurt if you don't properly use it.
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Is there even a way to improperly use it?