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Unable to play my Chien-Pao from bench to active spot

Today while in a battle i was unbale to move my Chien-Pao to the active spot. I tried several ways. The switch card allowed me to move my other benched pokemon to the active spot but not my Chien-Pao card. And then i retreated me active Blastoise and was still not allowed to move my Chien-Pao to the active spot. I retreated a Pidgeot card but the same thing happened. It was only my Chien-Pao card that i was unable to put into the active spot. I didn't see any cards or abilities in play that would prevent me from playing my card from my bench to the active spot.

Have there been any similar issues happening with anyone?



  • Nashedtators
    Nashedtators Member Posts: 96 ✭✭✭
    25 Likes 25 Agrees 5 Answers 10 Comments

    I had this happen with my mew ex while using future box. I couldn't even enlarge the card, and it happened after using the reboot pod ace spec