Feature: Match History, Trading, Tournament

I think it would be really nice to have a match history under the profile section.
Furthermore I miss the option to trade with other people and have tournaments/events which were a pretty nice feature in pctgo with the coupons.
Agreed! Tournaments are a must have and likely will be included I would think. Having the match history of what moves were made during the match is a nice feature in PTCGO already.
I don't miss the trading of packs for cards....that was not a great system, however the game is called the pokemon TRADING card game so not having some kind of trading seems wrong.
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Trading would likely break a ton of stuff while not fixing the economy problem. Meanwhile, the economy itself could be easily fixed with better design decisions and almost no changes to underlying code.
In before "but it's the Pokemon TRADING Card Game" from someone...
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@Infernomaker1 Oh, I was late.
If it bothers you, just play in a different language. All other languages call it a CCG instead. The only reason "trading" is in the name is because it was the more popular of the two phrases in English in the 90s. It never actually referred to trading, which is why you can't offer to trade cards with your opponent mid-game.
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I agree with all three - match history, trading and tournaments. I was actually thinking about how I miss two of these features from the old version.
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I came to post some feedback requesting match history, and more game stats in general
I knew I'd find an already active post if I searched!
I'd love to see my match history, like you can in games like Unite. Also, as many have said, an in-game log of moves like PTCGO would be awesome!
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I completely agree with adding a feature for match history. I want to get better at this game, and the only way I can do so is to review my mistakes. I don't want to record my matches because it will take a lot of memory. I would greatly appreciate a match history feature that shows not only my cards but my opponent's cards too. Other games like LoL and chess have this and I think it's a fantastic tool to help people get better.
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I think it would be super beneficial for the entire community if there was a match history, I know for me personally I’ve had some pretty crazy matches with some really good players and I would love to send some of them friend requests but I always end up so into the match I forget to get their screen name and can’t send the request. Seems almost redundant to have a friend request option with no match history.