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do you like pokemon live

do you like pokemon live 40 votes

Maritime_AliceSaigatsu8chuckles1995DefHalanSchaumbeePuputossumattheha461458yosto12MRNEEDLEMANO0oSuperLLo0OBrockSeto 11 votes
CoopityScoopRoll_awayRabbidRayquazaYawningYakloki0419pFM_1965KitKatProjectIsasmallquietarRunjielittlegirTheoraclecity 10 votes
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Bornin985BludriggVmaxSkittlezLinkz24ToohuangfistOfxuchildeItsyourvisittotNextdoorcloseManiDonAsmallgrainfrosAsweetheartPolynoeWhatyourLoveisyouPickledPro3_EiS_AncestorEra2010GamefreQUltimateVibe 18 votes
WoodBridge16 1 vote


  • Puputossu
    Puputossu Member Posts: 2
    First Comment Photogenic

    While I'm new to the game and tried both Online and Live, I have to say that the gamespeed, animations, graphics and UI are so much better in Live than in Online. I understand that Live is missing some features that exist in Online but I hope they are implemented later on 😊

  • Fr33Guy
    Fr33Guy Member Posts: 23
    Name Dropper 10 Comments Photogenic 5 Agrees

    I’ve saved my code cards for too long to begin with and I shouldn’t be asked to verify proof of purchase from 5 years ago when the problem is clearly on your end Pokemon TCG live.

    other companies that make way less money that you’re business have return policies and customer loyalty rewards far greater than your and there is no excuse for you not to simplify and streamline disputes and resolutions by just giving me either equal to or greater than my loss based on my word.

    this is not a mutually beneficial relationship and I’m tired of the constant provide proof or go away policy. My proof is the friggin code card from years ago! Or else why would you even have started the stupid code card thing in the first place? why not say save every receipt and piece of garbage as proof in order to redeem digital conceptual uselessness??????

    this is not rhetorical. I seriously want answers .

  • Runjielittlegir
    Runjielittlegir Member Posts: 3
    First Comment

    I came to the forums with game bugs, and there were so many people who had the same problem as me.

    The beta test is basically unplayable.

  • ManiDon
    ManiDon Member Posts: 5
    First Comment Photogenic
    transfer me back

    I would like the animations in TCG Live, but I want to go back to TCG online! Hopefully they will consider us restoring our accounts back in TCG Online!

  • PolynoeWhatyour
    PolynoeWhatyour Member Posts: 4
    First Comment Name Dropper
    transfer me back

    Just want back😥

  • Loveisyou
    Loveisyou Member Posts: 10
    10 Comments Name Dropper
    transfer me back

    Want back

  • _EiS_
    _EiS_ Member Posts: 10
    First Comment 5 Agrees
    transfer me back

    Live is so bad.

    Told two of my friends about the game while I was only playing TCGO. They tried Live instead and instantly stopped playing again. Now I had to migrate TCGO to Live and I fully understand them. It's sooo bad. I don't want to play online anymore.