Pokemon Forums Story "Becoming A Master" Episode:5 Part:2

Over in Woodle City, Copper is standing by a fountain, while Boltund is sleeping on the ledge. Just then, our hero Arlo come running into town. He seems stressed, and by the looks of hit, he sprinted all the way here!
"Hello! Professor's Assistant?! You there?!" Arlo said while looking around frantically. The two had never actually met, so he didn't know what Copper looked like.
Copper walks over. "I'm here, I'm here. So, you're the famous Arlo I heard about? Pleasure to meet you. My name's Copper."
Arlo chuckled. "Thanks! So, what did Pine tell you to call me for?"
"My boss told me to give you a gift! A new Pokemon for your team. Ever heard of a Duraludon?"
Arlo looked surprised "A DURALUDON?! WOAH!"
Copper chuckled as he tossed the Pokeball to him. "Take good care of him, okay? He's a real kind one."
"Can we battle? I wanna see his skills!"
"Sorry kid, maybe another day, when you're stronger. I oughta go do more research. Ciao!" And with that, Copper and Boltund walked off. Arlo was a little shocked at the denial, but was still too excited about his Duraludon to let it sink in.
great story and a good way to give duraladon to arlo so does that means its @OlderAngel11 turn for the next gym
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Okay, should I post my story in this discussion or start a new one?
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Also, can I get any information about what Arlo looks like? Do I just make that up, or has someone put that in a story before and I have missed it?
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I meant like what hair color, skin color, etc. I can put more interesting details into my story if I get information like that. Since it hasn't been mentioned before, can I just make it up?
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I think I'll just make it up. I will submit my new discussion post soon.
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I submitted it, but it was really long, so it might not get approved for a while.
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Great story! 👍