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Switch cards (Boss' Orders, Catcher, etc.) not working at times

Is it just me or do some of you experience where you play a switch card on your opponent's bench but can't drag the desired Pokemon since it won't highlight or can't even click on? Costed me a few games unfortunately...


  • raziel_5
    raziel_5 Member Posts: 13
    First Comment Name Dropper

    I actually just tried using Boss's Orders this morning just a little while ago on my second match today and it wouldn't let me switch any of the Pokemon on the bench in and it cost me the game because the Charmander I was going to switch in didn't get selected and my opponent was then later able to get Charizard EX and put it on the Charmander that I should have been able to knock out but instead I had to Concede. I noticed also as I conceded that the game showed a Lumineon V being switched to my side of the active Pokemon spot even though my opponent had a Lumineon V but I didn't have one in play at the time. Maybe Lumineon V is part of the issue?