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No mute option

there's currently no way to mute your opponent or a way to opt out of the end game celebrations. Both of these things are very annoying and there should definitely be a way to turn it off. The end game celebrations are way way too long and just annoying to watch. Having an opponent that spams emotes all game is awful as well.
also I don't know what decides what cards you get when shuffling and what opponent you face but it's really weird, certain decks consistently draw the same opening hand. Also matchmaking seems really weird sometimes



  • clasingla
    clasingla Member Posts: 3,455 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    I just play on mute

  • OlderAngel11
    OlderAngel11 Member Posts: 1,796 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    1000% Agree!!! I absolutely hate it when I lose a hard-fought match in which I really respect my opponent for playing well, but then he starts flexing and saying, "guess you couldn't take the heat". I immediately lose all respect I once had for this person. I try to use generic victory statements, and the one I picked was "we must all learn to be gracious in defeat". Anyway, it's infuriating to watch those.

  • glenphill
    glenphill Member Posts: 3
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    I'm also encountering this issue where there's currently no way to mute opponents or opt out of the end game celebrations in the game. Both of these aspects can be very annoying, and it's frustrating that there's no option to disable them. The end game celebrations are excessively long and can become tedious to watch after a while. Additionally, dealing with opponents who spam emotes throughout the game can be quite unpleasant. It would be beneficial to have the ability to mute opponents or customize the end game celebrations to better suit individual preferences.

  • glenphill
    glenphill Member Posts: 3
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    Is there anyone who can help me with this? I would love your guidance. Thanks!

  • grriffinn
    grriffinn Member Posts: 139 ✭✭✭
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    Having a mute option for in-match animations and an opt-in/out option for those depressingly-infuriating end match animations have been something a lot of players, myself included, have been wanting for a very long time with no real response from TPCi staff other than the usual "Thank you for your feedback" canned spiel from mods. Sadly, I really doubt the devs will ever implement something like this (unless it’s something far more damaging than “the trolls winning”, a term that was used to explain the removal of the TCGO’s in-match chat feature) considering the shoestring budget TPCi gives them.

    I’m not touching anything related to the game’s RNG like shuffling but I will say that I find it highly suspicious that some tournament-viable decks will brick more often in the client than they do in an IRL game.

    @glenphill Live currently doesn’t have any options that can turn in-match emotes and the end-match animations off.

  • Ampersundae
    Ampersundae Member Posts: 75 ✭✭
    25 Agrees 10 Comments First Anniversary 5 Likes

    I would really love a response on the development of the game, as it is clear they have a passionate fanbase.

    I'm kind of let down by the lack of communication on what the developer's ideas are. It's Pokémon, and the entire physical card game is already there.

    It doesn't seem that hard to turn off a code that the player base is annoyed by.

  • RayAndYuki
    RayAndYuki Member Posts: 10
    Photogenic First Comment

    not me getting flexed and taunted by the same dollar store charizard deck for the 10th time that week 😭

  • PokiDoki_0
    PokiDoki_0 Member Posts: 1
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    Have anyone found the solution it's quite annoying bruh can someone help😭

  • De_Armageddon
    De_Armageddon Member Posts: 4
    5 Agrees First Comment

    I’m not touching anything related to the game’s RNG like shuffling but I
    will say that I find it highly suspicious that some tournament-viable
    decks will brick more often in the client than they do in an IRL game.

    @grriffinn Would love to see some data on this, but if it is true, that may have more to do with the honesty of IRL players and the non-randomness that can occur in paper shuffling than the randomness of the PTCGL shuffler. Even if it was "weighted" somehow, that almost certainly wouldn't influence brick chance in any predictable way because the way it would be weighted would almost certainly not affect every deck the same way when it comes to brick chance, due to the differences in what bricking means for different decks (are you drawing too much energy? too little? etc.).

  • Rychu111
    Rychu111 Member Posts: 2
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    While many Pokemon titles lack a dedicated mute button, there are ways to manage the sound. Lowering your system volume mutes everything, so it might not be ideal. Checking for game updates can be helpful, as developers sometimes introduce mute options in patches.

    For PC players, there's a chance you can mute specific sounds through your sound mixer settings. Console users, particularly those on Switch, might have the option to mute individual applications within the system settings.