The game is unplayable now....please fix soon!

The new glitch with Mew Vmax freezing the game and then you have to concede and you just auto lose is frustrating, especially since so many people are playing Mew Vmax! Last 3 matches were Mew Vmax and this happened. I no longer want to play PTCGL as I'm just not playing and just losing points. PLEASE FIX SOON!!
Seriously… how has this not been addressed yet?? Game is garbage so frustrating. Went from top of ladder all the way down having to concede 4 out of 5 games
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It would take a ban on one card to fix the game - Fusion Strike Energy.
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@TechHog why do you seem to be on every post knocking people(s)? The game needs work, so what. People are sharing there frustrations to the GAME. No one went to to ask for your opinion or demoralizing comments. Let whoever wants to voice themselves alone.
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@cr1p You really have no idea what you're talking about. Finding the root cause of an issue can take minutes, hours, days or even weeks. It depends on the issue. Saying that every single glitch in every piece of software can be resolved in a couple of days is ridiculous. Most software would be bug-free if that were the case.
The problem here is communication. How long they're taking is unfortunate, but we don't know how difficult it is to fix. It could be one line of code, or it could be thousands. There's also the fact that this doesn't happen 100% of the time and there are multiple decks to check. It's clear that fixing it for Archeops broke it for something else, so they have to be more careful this time. It sucks, and their communication is horrible, but unless what you're trying to say is that the game should be cancelled and given to a new team, your assumptions about how long it should take are pointless.
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How can this bug be in the game for over a week
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@TechHog Hahaha, I'm a software engineer with 10+ years of experience. Do you think I don't know what I'm talking about? As I said, this bug is reproducible with 80-90%.
And yes, there's a thing that you can break something while fixing other parts of the code. But for that case, there are QA and AQA teams, and probably their code base is complete trash.