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Favorite non Pokemon games?



  • CheeseyQueso
    CheeseyQueso Member Posts: 23
    10 Comments First Anniversary Name Dropper First Answer

    Incorrect. Please try to have correct opinions in the future. 

    I used to be a big Sonic fan. The Sega Mega Drive was my first games console and Sonic the Hedgehog was the first video game of my very own that I played. Sonic 06 killed my love of the franchise for a few years, and I was someone who liked Sonic Heroes and Shadow the Hedgehog.

    @TheJeffers I understand where you're coming at, however I grew up playing Sonic Heroes and Sonic 06. To me that was my introduction to Sonic and while they may not be perfect games, I got used to the controls and really enjoyed the games' story, music and multiplayer. I still think there is so much fun to be had and the janky controls honestly make it way more entertaining, especially in multiplayer when I play with my brother. Also, the menu layout and character models might just be my favorite throughout the whole series (except maybe Eggman).

    I will admit tho that the game is very unpolished and could benefit greatly from a remaster. It's sad that it was so rushed and couldn't have been made to its full potential, but I still love it for what it is!

    I also played through TF2 for some time, although I think much later than when you mentioned.

  • TheJeffers
    TheJeffers Member Posts: 1,646 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    @CheeseyQueso I was just joking about the incorrect opinions thing. Obviously everyone is entitled to their own opinion and can like whatever they want. I am glad someone got something positive from the game.

    As for me, I can pinpoint the exact moment 06 killed the Sonic series for me. I was playing on the 360, and I had tolerated the absurdly long and needlessly frequent loading screens to get most of the achievements and was seeking, in spite of everything, to 100% it, as I had done with previous 3D Sonic titles, even in the days before achievements.

    The true hero of the narrative, Mephlese the Dark, had out-edged Shadow, succeeded where Eggman failed, and actually killed Sonic. In the process, he committed a great act of mercy in that Sonic (unlike me) would no longer be subjected to the video game.

    I needed an S rank and the associated achievement for the final level where you play as 7 of Sonic's furry Avengers to gather the 7 not-Dragonball Emeralds and revive Sonic through something, something super hedgehog magic or whatever.

    The last leg of the stage is Shadow. I completed the level flawlessly, only for Shadow to glitch through the rail he was grinding on right before the goal ring and fall to his death.

    Frustrated, I tried again. Did it all again (it takes around 20 minutes to play through seven stages and loading into each one is like 5 minutes of that), making sure to jump at the end of the rail, only for Shadow to glitch through the ground in front of the goal ring and fall to his death.

    I was exasperated. I did it again. I tried to jump straight to the goal ring. I fell short, and fell through the floor again.

    I was done. I turned off the game. I couldn't be bothered with it any more. It was years before I touched another Sonic game.

    It is a shame. The game had potential to be the next generation (of the time) Sonic anniversary game Sega wanted. Unfortunately, that was also its downfall.

    Firstly, wanting to get the game out in time for the anniversary meant they had to push the game forward and release it on a very short development cycle on two consoles (the Xbox 360 and the Sony PS3) the team hadn't worked on before. (Sound familiar, Pokémon forums?)

    On top of this, the Wii was the new hottest console dominating the market but could not really handle a port of on of the other seventh generation console's games and retain high graphical quality, nor would it utilise the wonderful waggle mechanics everyone loved so much, so they took half the 06 development team and put them to work on the renowned title, Sonic and the Black Knight. Stellar move.

    So 06 had to be made in half the time on two new consoles with half a dev team.

    In a way, it is commendable that something resembling a functional game was released at all.

    There are elements I like about the game. I like the music (that wasn't bizarre licenced tracks by popular artists of the time). I like the updated designs for the characters. (Eggman looks a little uncanny, but in concept I think it is a step towards a more realistic design. Needed a second design pass.) Parts of the story, I like.

    But there are also parts I do not like, beyond the glitches. Giving Sonic a human girlfriend was a mistake. I am glad that got timey wimey'd out of canon. The time travel in general causes issues narratively. Silver is kind of annoying in the game and does not get a lot to do. If anything he is on the Knuckles arc of being naively convinced that Sonic is the bad guy.

    The game is wasted potential, makes bizarre narrative and game design decisions and is far too glitchy and frustrating to play. It deserves its reputation, though the developers themselves might not deserve all the blame.

  • OlderAngel11
    OlderAngel11 Member Posts: 1,812 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    I like Fortnite, Minecraft, Mario games, and Brawl Stars.

  • Specter478
    Specter478 Member Posts: 303 ✭✭✭
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    Yay someone who likes fortnite and minecraft!

  • Prince_Ludwig
    Prince_Ludwig Member Posts: 42 ✭✭
    Second Anniversary 10 Comments First Answer 5 Likes

    No one mentioned Ace Attorney in this thread, so I'd like to do that.

  • TheJeffers
    TheJeffers Member Posts: 1,646 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    I only played through the original trilogy on DS back in the day, but I really enjoyed it. I have been tempted to play through it and the later games in Japanese.

    I never saw the live action movie, either. I heard it's good.

  • Prince_Ludwig
    Prince_Ludwig Member Posts: 42 ✭✭
    Second Anniversary 10 Comments First Answer 5 Likes

    Well, the Nintendo Switch rereleases are the best way to do that right now. @TheJeffers

  • TheJeffers
    TheJeffers Member Posts: 1,646 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    I think some of them are on PC, too.

  • CheeseyQueso
    CheeseyQueso Member Posts: 23
    10 Comments First Anniversary Name Dropper First Answer

    @TheJeffers Yeah the End of the World levels in 06 were ridiculous. Felt nice to beat it but I can't imagine trying to 100% it. Sad to see how rushed the game was, because I think it could've been very promising to the franchise, but at its failure they decided to make completely different games. Sadly it was the last game connected by the story, specifically with Team Dark being around and Shadow and Sonic working with each other. I definitely know I have a bias for the game because it's what I grew up with playing with my brother

  • JazzyUnicornGir
    JazzyUnicornGir Member Posts: 189 ✭✭✭
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