[Bug] Credits not redeeming when opening code cards with duplicates

I've had a bunch of Celebration codes saved up to the point where "supposedly" receive credits for duplicates. When finishing my batch, the window will say a larger number of credits as apposed to how many I actually receive. For example, after pulling all the cards, the window pop-up will show 8,000 credits earned. The actual client will show that I really receive around 1,000 credits. This has happened for about 30ish codes now and I'm still wondering where all of my credits went. Please fix. Thank you.
I've seen the same thing, it looks like once you get one extra per opening session, you cant get any more extras of that card. For example if you have 4 of a card, and then you get 4 more each worth 10, you should get 40 credits and the client says you do, but you're only rewarded for the first extra and you only really get 10 credits. Hopefully they fix this soon and can replace all missing credits.
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no you need to do the calculation when you open multiple copies because the game is miscalculating. no the amount on the top right of credits means like the numbers of copies of each card that has been pulled plus the amount that is below the card like for example if you are like me and are "maximizing profit" you already collected on ptcgo all the cards from celebrations and went to live and opening celebration packs or codes, you will get lets say 100 credits for a regular rare reshiram but you have opened 5 packs and you got 2 reshiram, the big screen will show you you got 200 below reshiram and 2 on top and the game thinks that is worth 200x2 which is 400 when in reality the number that is below reshiram which is 200 means that you received 200 in total not for each reshiram meaning 100 for each but the game thinks its 200 times 2 which is wrong, and thats why you get always a higher amount than the amount you actually get
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Just had this happen to me after redeeming 50 packs. It’s not a small difference, either. Shorted me about 20,000 credits...
Where can I submit a formal complaint/report?
Hope you (POKEMON COMPANY) are reading your own forums. Either restore the difference in credits or change the misleading setup, please. It’s a clever ploy to get people buying your packs, but it’s not going to work if it doesn’t stack nicely. Your product isn’t exactly “cheap”.
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manuellora is 100% correct. The only bug here is the calculation on the top. You are getting exactly the credits you are supposed to get. Just to expand on manuellora comment I just made a post on PTCGL reddit.