mew fusion strike playing for me no problem

hi, I've been playing mew fusion strike with no problems, and not experienced much freezing during games. it has frozen on the entrance to games on occasion but seems to do this no matter what deck i play, just says waiting for opponent to connect.
is there a way people are abusing the clock with mew and can get it to intentionally stall? as a few times this seems to happen when I'm playing mew at very convenient time. not asking for anyone to reveal how to intentionally make it happen as that might be bad,, but from my side mew is playing fine and sometimes seems too convenient to be true with opponents and have had games vs mew fusion build that have run fine.
this is a change for me from a week or so back when i wasnt playing much mew myself and dont think ive ever experienced the freeze from my side. but frequently ran into it from opponents and at that time it didnt seem intentional at all it was far too common and sometimes when they were clearly in a good position so not to intentionally stall tthe game.
I think what's causing the bug is attaching fusion energy from supporters, and sometimes attaching the fusion energy by hand, then attacking with Mew Vmax