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Ladder Points Bug (Mew V-Max?)

Hi all,

I know there's been a lot of talking about the game breaking bug surrounding fusion strike energy, but what I just experienced goes beyond one single game. I just lost a game to Mew V-Max where I was forced to concede due to the desync bug. I then tried to fire off a new game, but wouldn't find a match, so decided to restart the client. Logged back in and I have lost 400+ ladder points: went from ~1000lp to 600lp. The reason why I think this might be tied to the Mew V-Max bug is that it's already happened to me that I lost some lp after conceding to the bug (though last time I lost only ~100lp), so there might be a connection.

I'm putting this out here so mods can investigate, thanks in advance.


  • Flagrama
    Flagrama Member Posts: 143 ✭✭
    100 Comments 5 Agrees 5 Answers 5 Likes

    You are recommended to restart the client after running into the bug. Once you desync, you seem to stay in that state, which causes issues with joining games.

  • squibix
    squibix Member Posts: 43
    5 Agrees First Anniversary 10 Comments

    Yes, this is super important information to publish. If you're playing against Mew and run into the timer bug, you have to close and restart the game. If you don't you won't be able to get into another match... and worse, you'll be automatically losing to each opponent you connect to, at a rate of a loss every 15 to 30 seconds! Obviously a big problem if you're trying to play ranked. I wish the developers were trying to let people know about this.

  • Híbana
    Híbana Member Posts: 1
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    I wish we could at least get some sort of ban as a temp fix. Restarting my client after every Mew VMax game is a bit annoying.

  • Fallacy0001
    Fallacy0001 Member Posts: 15
    5 Agrees 10 Comments Name Dropper

    I thought the bug was supposed to have been fixed last hotfix? Though I do think I ran into the bug once since then and restarted to be safe.

  • angusbh
    angusbh Member Posts: 3
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    The same happened to me! I was in Ranking Lugia (Ultra Ball) and lost 300 battle points.

    We who play honestly suffer from such things.

  • VethodBe
    VethodBe Member Posts: 8
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    Went from 1200 rating to 600 again......

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,758 ✭✭✭✭
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    @squibix They don't care. If they did they would have temp banned FSE already. Just spam @TPCi_CursedSoup until something is done.

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,758 ✭✭✭✭
    2500 Comments Second Anniversary 500 Agrees 250 Likes

    @squibix They don't care. If they did they would have temp banned FSE already. Just spam @TPCi_CursedSoup until something is done.