Favorite non Pokemon games?

I like Mario and Kirby
Mainly Sonic, I know it's unpopular but I really love Sonic 06. Also Fortnite
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Sonic, Kirby, Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Tales Series, Atelier Ryza
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Fortnite, Palia, Minecraft, and Zelda
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I like Animal Crossing. I usually bounce between Pokemon games and that the most.
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I know it's unpopular but I really love Sonic 06.
Incorrect. Please try to have correct opinions in the future.
I used to be a big Sonic fan. The Sega Mega Drive was my first games console and Sonic the Hedgehog was the first video game of my very own that I played. Sonic 06 killed my love of the franchise for a few years, and I was someone who liked Sonic Heroes and Shadow the Hedgehog.
Otherwise, I have been a fan of RPGs in general. I liked Shin Megami Tensei, I liked Elder Scrolls before Skyrim, I liked a lot of CRPGs like the classic D&D games. Modern games in the genre have often failed to scratch that itch, but I did like Baldur's Gate 3.
I loved the Halo series, but that has been on hard times for over a decade now. I loved TF2 in the pre-Mannconomy days.
I liked Zelda, but since Wind Waker none of the games really clicked with me. Twilight Princess looked great, but the Wii waggle killed it for me. I can see why people liked BotW and TotK, but I just got bored and dropped them.
Metroid seems to be in a good spot, when Nintendo deigns to give us a game every other decade. I hope Prime 4 is good when it releases in 2032.
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I like zelda skyward sword the motion controls are amazing!
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@Specter478 I heard that they got better on the Switch, but honestly I have no interest in the game anyway. There were elements I liked, but overall I found it disappointing. Perhaps the waggle killed it for me and what was left wasn't enough to carry it for me.
Motion controls and the Wii in general did a lot of damage to gaming, and though we managed to mostly escape the motion control fad, developers still strive for the mythical "wider audience"; chasing the highs the Wii achieved.
Though some games do succeed in gaining wider mainstream appeal while retaining their depth and identity, many have destroyed what made their games appealing to begin with and become bland and shallow in the name of "accessibility".
While Zelda specifically seems to have found success in the BotW formula (even if it doesn't appeal to me, I still respect its vision and technical accomplishments) it has led to its own minor trend in BotW-styled open world games. Not Zelda's fault; you can't blame the originator for the imitators.
But it damaged even Pokémon in striving to make a BotW style open world game with Pokémon, and not dedicating enough time and development to realise the vision properly. Good concept, terrible execution.
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Still its got the best main enemy ;)