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Opponent uses ability and game loses connection but doesn't?

Twice now I've had games where the game timer will go all the down to 0:00 but will not actually end. It's always on my Opponents turn when this happens. It's like we've disconnected but the game doesn't actually register this. Not to mention if I concede or just close my app and re-open it I lose rank because the game counts it as a loss no matter how the game was going :/.

Below pictures are 2 different games in which this happened (I was to impatient to wait in the first picture as the Yellow count down timer went down to 0:00 like 3 times and I knew the bug was happening again)


  • Flagrama
    Flagrama Member Posts: 143 ✭✭
    100 Comments 5 Agrees 5 Answers 5 Likes
    edited December 2022 #2

    Yes, it is a desync bug due to energy acceleration, and seemingly something else from Mew VMAX decks.

  • PeterCapObvious
    PeterCapObvious Member Posts: 26
    Name Dropper 5 Agrees 10 Comments

    This is from Mew Vmax using Fusion energy

  • Kaypar_
    Kaypar_ Member Posts: 1
    First Comment Photogenic

    I've also been experiencing this bug. I haven't seen my opponents playing Mew Vmax.