what is the most forgettable Pokémon to you

for me it got to be ninjask i was scrolling through the pokedex trying to answer this and came across ninjask then i kept scrolling to see if there was more forgettable pokemon then i forgot which one i thought was forgettable and had to scroll all the way back to see then when i saw it i realized thats the one i thought what is the most forgettable for you
Whiscash haves 2 pokemon cards
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soooooooooooooooooo whiscash
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I managed to go through the first two gens before getting tired. I remember them all. The one I remember the least is Chinchou. Also apparently Pinsir has a Mega form. I forgot a lot of Megas. Maybe if they weren't post-game exclusive except for the one or two they give you in the main story, I would've remembered more of them.
Also a Pokémon whose name I always forget is Crocalor, Fuecoco's first evolution. But it's memorable to me because its name is so hard to remember for some reason.
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I remember a lot of forgettable Pokemon, because either I love them or dislike them. If I had to chose one with a forgettable name, it's Polywrath. I tried to remember his name, but the best I came up with was "Polywrap". Also, what's the deal with Hattrem and Hattrene? They sound EXACTLY THE SAME! I always get the names mixed up and it drives me insane.
But there's one Pokemon I forgot about simply because I don't like thinking about it. Espathra.
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probably pidove.
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Also about the Megas- you could only find them between 8PM and 9PM, at sunset, and the game doesn't give you any hints to find them (they're regular items on the ground, not as in Pokéballs but you need to search to find them), and to add to the post-game part, you had to somehow remember to fight your rival in the post-game only city to activate the post-game. You'd expect that they'd encourage you to fight them since you can't play the post-game otherwise, right? Wrong, they just stand in a corner and you need to approach them and reply yes when they ask you to battle.
It's a shame because so many of them have good designs but the only game where you don't either buy them in a post-game shop like Alola and LGPE or do whatever XY thought was a good idea to lock their new feature behind, is ORAS iirc. I hope we don't have to do all the weird stuff from XY to get Mega stones in PLZ-A.
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For me it is Duraludon. I was playing the solo challenge in Pokémon Unite and I unlocked battling Raihan and I was left thinking what his Pokémon’s name is. I forgot that in the loading screen there’s the name of the trainer and the Pokémon and I had to go to the Pokédex in serebii.net to find it out.