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Game Breaking Bug against Mew V-Max



  • LuSaxy
    LuSaxy Member Posts: 1
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    This was happening to me alot. so i went on a mission to figure it out.

    I have managed to recreate the bug without fail now. I am not going to share how it is done, to avoid new people exploiting it. but I have messaged customer service with the steps to recreate (100% ability to reproduce)

    hopefully they will ban some card temporarily until it gets resolved.

    the worst thing is - now that i play, it is sometimes the correct play, but now i know it will cause the bug, so i am avoiding it<- but dont want to get into the habbit of worse play just to stop the auto win. sucks alot.

  • Fansi1234567
    Fansi1234567 Member Posts: 5
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    yes same problem and derank everytime.

    FIX IT!!!!

  • LangsiBoy
    LangsiBoy Member Posts: 1
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    Can you guys please do something...mew vmax deck is destroying the game...the bug start on 2nd turn everything freeze and need to conceded to continue...it happen to me everytime i face mew vmax deck..more than 10 times already..please do somthing

  • PeterCapObvious
    PeterCapObvious Member Posts: 26
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    edited December 2022 #35

    I've encountered this bug many times. Come to think of it the majority that I can remember was against Mew Vmax and unless the game ended fast there was a good chance it'd bug out like you mentioned.

    Most of the games I was actually winning too and it stung a bit having to just quit out because I wasn't willing to wait for the timer, but since I see it doesn't even give me the win it's a relief.

    Edit: to those who may state I lost connection, I definitely didn't. I was on my PC with very stable internet (I get 500mb/s up & down), and was playing Live in-between games of another game I was playing that requires an online connection.

  • Lyroco
    Lyroco Member Posts: 2
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  • FMLitsManny
    FMLitsManny Member Posts: 1
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    This bug is insanely annoying, has been happening to me for over a week now, this is the first forum page i find mentioning it. I hope you resolve it soon!

  • Lyroco
    Lyroco Member Posts: 2
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    This has happened to me twice just today. No way to progress the game. Always have to concede. They just sit there and wait for a win.

  • Flagrama
    Flagrama Member Posts: 143 ✭✭
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    It's not losing connection. It's desync where you didn't receive one of the published commands. It seems that some action with Mew V isn't properly publishing a command and desyncing both players.

  • Flagrama
    Flagrama Member Posts: 143 ✭✭
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    edited December 2022 #40

    **The information in this post appears to have been incorrect. I have removed it now.**