customize pokemon appearances

Since ORAS with the Contest Pikachu, and Let's Go Pikachu and Eevee allow players to customize appearances. When it comes to new pokemon games need warrant for upgrades of my personal design, I would also like to see custom appearance for pokemon.
I would think that they would stay away from that, people could put clothes on
gardevoirandvaporeonand we would get some interesting jokes in the community-1 -
My case, It would be interesting because the pokemon games will push the boundaries from the tech from the Nintendo switch 2 and beyond that.
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@MajorBrendan I think you have a cool idea that would be fun, but aside from the interesting jokes that could be made, I think it's unnatural, animals shouldn't wear clothes
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Instead of letting them wear clothes I feel like being able to put armor on a Pokemon like Scizor could make a little more sense then putting a Tee shirt and sorts on some random Pokemon
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If they're not going to give us the full Pokédex, they might as well use that storage space to allow for extra customisation.
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@TheJeffers Might be possible with the tech Switch 2 and beyond will present.