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Battle Pass not available

Once you finish a ranked match, if you try and click on the battle pass, you get told that it isn’t available.

Using iPhone 11 with iOS 16.1.1


  • WatUSayinDoe
    WatUSayinDoe Member Posts: 11
    First Comment Name Dropper

    Same happens on windows it's been that way since the release. Only work around is obviously to relog. Hoping they'll fix it soon

  • Roopy1
    Roopy1 Member Posts: 1
    First Comment

    Yeah I’ve not been playing long but this happens to me on the iPhone, iPad and on the Mac. I have to quit the app and load up again (which can take a while!) Out of all the bugs in the game this is the most annoying and persistent.

  • Jarifmizi12345
    Jarifmizi12345 Member Posts: 1
    First Comment

    I am also facing the same problem with the battle pass

  • RafaGM91
    RafaGM91 Member Posts: 1
    First Comment

    Same problem here! After every match i can't access Battle Pass ("This feature is not available now. Please try again later").

    I need to restart my client after every game lol

    Any help from support here?????