
Hello I am a new player and just started recently I'm playing on Android and I believe I've had some weird bugs
1: Benched pokemon bug?: I summoned an Goldeen in my third bench spot once I evolved It to Seaking It automaticly ended my turn and for the rest of the match I could not use that Seaking I could not switch into It I could not use finneon's ability to give It energy nor could I use energy from my hand to It (It was there I could not set any pokemon on the bench In It's place but could do nothing with It).
2: Forced my Active pokemon at the start Bug?: At the start of a match I was to go first I clicked and dragged Goldeen to the active spot but It forced Bidoof In the Active before I let Goldeen down even though Goldeen was just about to be set at the Active spot putting Goldeen back Into my hand which then I put onto the bench (I have no Idea If this was due to "Timing Out" but I was not lagging nor did I see the timer at the time and I was setting down Glodeen quickly as soon as the match started for this has happened a few times before).
3: Possible memory leak or something Bug?: I've noticed If I am In the deck editor for awhile then do some Test Decks against the AI after a couple matches It gets quite laggy the sound starts to cut In and out I either have to close the app(game) and reopen It which fixes It or the App(game) just closes Itself after awhile ( Also If I do not restart the game after and just go into matches vs'ing players the problem with lag/sound happens so I always restart the app(game) now after I am done testing).
4?: I am sure this was from lag or something: But the last match I did on my turn I didn't see any timer I drew my card and It automaticly ended my turn, My opponent did their turn and on my turn It drew my card and automaticly ended my turn a second time going back to my opponent they finished their turn once more and this time as It was going to my turn I spam clicked Seaking during the draw I was successful It let me click Seaking I clicked my attack watched the attack animation and the number pop up then It conceded saying I was Inactive for too long ( Lost 10 rank on that one, Pretty sure that attack was for the win too but oh well).
5: Timer running down on my opponents turn Bug?: I've seen It a couple of times now It will be my opponents turn as they do all of their plays I sit there watching as my timer Is going down and not theirs then when they end turn my time stops for a split second and resumes when It actually goes to my turn continuing dropping from the number It was during my opponents turn( So for instance If It was 17:00 during my opponents turn and they took 2 minutes taking It down to 15:00 minutes on my turn it would continue from 14:59 and their time had not gone down), I have no Idea if my time Is actually going down or If It's a graphic bug on Android but It Is scary to watch for some decks/turns can take some time lol.
6: Loading screen bug: I've had it where the loading screen where our avatars are on the screen and It never went away I could hear music,Could hear the coin flip,Cards being drawn but I couldn't do anything as the loading screen was on screen the whole time and could not click on anything(I ended up timing out and conceding)
7:Retrieval bug?: This last match I used an Energy retrieval I put the 2 energy up to take out of the discard hit confirm but nothing happend I could hear music the confirm button was clicked In after clicking It but it stuck like that, I couldn't do anything after a minute of waiting I had to shut down the app(game).