Problems with the letter PEONIA (#219/198) - Mobile

Apparently on the mobile platform, when you use Peonia in matches it doesn't show your prizes, but random cards from decks you own or your opponent's deck, and the second time it shows the cards backwards, thus making it impossible to view to pick up the cards they want, however you carry out the exchange, the cards that come are the ones you have in your deck. Unfortunately it's a crucial card for the control deck so if you can fix it I'd appreciate it.
While this seems to be a graphical glitch that should be fixed, I don't think it's affecting your gameplay. With Peonia the prize cards are supposed to be chosen as they are in your prizes currently, which in Standard should always be face-down. You don't get to look at your prizes and choose. You just add the 3 face-down cards to hand, then choose 3 cards from your hand to place face-down in the prizes again.