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Pokémon TCG Live 1.3.1 Update Issues - *UPDATED 12/22/22*



  • Lambalazar
    Lambalazar Member Posts: 100 ✭✭✭
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    @TechHog You have no idea how much that post made me smile. Thank you for that 🤘🏻

  • lvlrAdam
    lvlrAdam Member Posts: 96 ✭✭
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    Here I am again just to update another day has gone by and the game is still unplayable for this PC user. I have a new ryzen 7 so performance is not an issue. The game freezes in matches more than it doesn't. This is the largest problem among others. Please start here. Please give me the ability to go back to ptcgo...stop the tyranny! I put a lot of money into my account and I deserve the right to go back to ptcgo with all my cards.

  • Mister-Burkes
    Mister-Burkes Member Posts: 114 ✭✭
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    Any updates on when the next hotfix is coming?

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,757 ✭✭✭✭
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    @lvlrAdam It would take them months to make path back to PTCGO, and you'd probably lose all of your cards to a glitch anyway.

    I don't know why people migrated without testing first...

  • Flagrama
    Flagrama Member Posts: 143 ✭✭
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    I know enough to be able to tell that these guys have no idea what they're doing. There's no way this was missed in testing if they tested properly. And it's also clear at this point that their claim that the hotfix improved things was a flat-out lie.

    No, you do not. I have actually worked on a simulator for Pokemon before. Yes, it is that hard to create, and yes these things get missed. Also, the hotfix did improve things, it just didn't fix everything.

  • EmpresPalpatina
    EmpresPalpatina Member Posts: 12
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    TechHog, there is a huge difference between complaining about a finished product and a product that is still a work in progress. You are complaining about how they should redo the game and hire better programmers, but the game is not even finished yet. Would you walk into a kitchen where a cook is making a cake, taste the batter, and complain because the cake is raw? The cook has not finished baking yet, but you are already judging it. That applies to Pokemon TCG Live. The game is still in beta testing, and we are all beta testing to help the company find the problems. You can be frustrated about glitches if the game is released and still has problems. Besides, if the game is so terrible, why are you still playing? Why don't you just wait until the beta testing is finished and then come back to the game?

  • Fox13096
    Fox13096 Member Posts: 35
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    Do you mean the most recent fix with the energy attachment problems? Because if you are it has fixed stuff for me. Yeah, they weren't lying.

  • lvlrAdam
    lvlrAdam Member Posts: 96 ✭✭
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    Techhog, I actually did test out the game for weeks before migrating. It wasn't terrible and games were playable. You speak like you know what you're talking about but you don't. A path back to ptcgo? It's as simple as linking trainer accounts, just like they did for migration. Literally just allow the account to log back in to ptcgo and it's done.

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,757 ✭✭✭✭
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    @EmpresPalpatina It was supposed to have been finished by now. This game is currently in an early alpha state. Realistically, it'll take 5+ years to go from where it is now to a complete feeling game, and if that's the case it needs to just go to a more experienced team, rather than the current team that has never worked on anything more than simple apps.

  • jon11w
    jon11w Member Posts: 165 ✭✭✭
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    @EmpresPalpatina to use your analogy; the chef has already invited us into the kitchen and asked us to taste the food. They haven't told us that the food is raw, so we've given it a try and are now shocked that they think that what they've prepared is fit for consumption.

    They announced this beta over a year ago and they offered us migration from February. We - very incorrectly - assumed that entering beta, the final stage of development, and allowing migration meant that theproduct was nearly finished.

    I'm seeing a lot of people in this thread saying "it's just a beta". That excus was fine back in February, but quite frankly it's a joke now. The game is in a worse spot now than it has ever been. Communication from the Dev team is non-existent. Testing of patches is so bad that each new update brings new game-breaking bugs.

    Some of us have been here for months and have been seeing the same mistakes being made over and over again. There is severe project management failure going on.